Automatically check WPML custom field checkboxes

Published: 20, Feb 2015

Today I faced a pretty daunting task, I needed to check around 2,600 rows of checkboxes across 4 different sites, each that had 3 different options.

You might face this yourself within the WordPress WPML ( WordPress Multi Site) custom field / ACF / Advanced custom fields area.  What I wanted to do was programmatically send off the correct job translations that I wanted, and not send off the ones that didn’t need to be translated.

This handy snippet that I came up with solved just that!

function endsWith(str, suffix) {
    return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
jQuery("#icl_cf_translation tbody tr").each(function() {
        var tdVal = jQuery(this).find("td:first").html();

        if(tdVal[0] != '_' && 
        	!endsWith(tdVal,'image') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'background') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'link') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'width') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'filter') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'section') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'shortcode') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'style') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'sizing') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'spacing') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'side') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'size') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'left') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'right') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'hover') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'icon') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'over') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'mp4') && 
	        !endsWith(tdVal,'ogv') && 

You will need to tweak / modify this yourself to fit your specific needs, but this will work perfectly within the Chrome network inspect / developer tools of your choice.
